Provo Lodge Veterans Committee
We are sad to report the passing of Steve Salgy, 102 years old February 3, 2023.
Link to obituary:
The Provo LOE Collected Items for the Payson Veterans' Home and presented them just before Christmas 2023. Pictured are Tennille Siemer (Loyal Knight) Shani Green (Past LOE President), Chantel Hutcheson and daughter, Tim Leach (Exalted Ruler), Shirley Cross and team members from the home.
Exalted Ruler, Clark Rowberry, and St. Patty's Day Party Chairman, Kathy Rowberry, presented
a check to The SLC John Taylor Rehabilitation House for Veteran Suicide Awareness on March 29, 2021
Veteran's BBQ to Honor Veterans
August 26, 2018
You Tube Video Link
Steve Salgy was presented an award from Governor Herbert for his service
after his 100th Birthday.
Steve Salgy, World War II Veteran, was honored by Provo Lodge for his 98th birthday. Pictured are Exalted Ruler, Jeff Hartley, Roger Kaufman, Steve Salgy, Bob Pagnani and Frank Robinette on
July 29, 2018
Provo Veterans Committee
Little Warriors Golf Tournament
October 7,2017
Veterans Memorial Park
Provo Lodge Veterans Memorial Park
The Veteran’s Rock progress in pictures… First we moved the rock from its
home at D&L Corp.Then we cleared off the area for the park. The rock was finally cemented into the ground.
The lawn was laid with sod and some bushes were planted.
Now we have the flagpoles in, the Armed Forces medallions attached and the memorial inscribed to all Veterans.
The Veterans' Memorial Park was dedicated in November 2014
Using a Freedom Grant from Grand Lodge, Two Laptop Computers were presented to the Central Utah Veterans' Home for the use of the clients to maintain communication with friends and family through social media.
Veteran's Committee Chairmen
Roger Kaufman
Frank Robinette
Lee Orton